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Mistakes to Avoid While Filing Form 8849 Schedule 6

Mistakes to Avoid While Filing Form 8849 Schedule 6


Form 8849, Schedule 6, is used by taxpayers to claim a refund for excise tax payments made previously through Form 2290. Form 2290 is specifically designed for paying the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT), which applies to highway motor vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more.

This tax period spans a full year, and taxpayers can use Form 8849 to request a refund for tax over payments, credits, or adjustments associated with these filings.

What are the mistakes to avoid while filing Form 8849?

When filing Form 8849, Schedule 6, it's essential to avoid common errors to ensure a smooth refund process. Here are some key mistakes to watch out for:

  1. Incorrect Business Name or Business Type
    Ensure that the business name entered on Form 8849 exactly matches the name on your official documents. The IRS uses your business name to verify your identity, so any discrepancies could lead to delays or rejections. Additionally, specify your business type accurately based on your IRS registration to facilitate proper verification.

  2. Providing the Wrong EIN
    Your EIN (Employer Identification Number) is a unique 9-digit number assigned to your business. As a critical identifier for IRS verification, any error in this number could result in identification or processing issues. Double-check each digit to avoid accidentally entering the EIN of another business.

  3. Selecting the Wrong Tax Year Ending Month
    After selecting Form 8849, you’ll be prompted to specify the tax year ending month. This date should correspond to the tax period for your vehicle. An incorrect month could affect your eligibility or delay your refund.

  4. Choosing an Incorrect Refund Category
    Form 8849 allows refunds for several situations, including sold, destroyed, or stolen vehicles; low-mileage vehicles; and over payment credits. Select the exact category that applies to your situation to avoid misfiling and potential refund delays.

  5. Incorrect Vehicle Details
    Depending on the refund category, you may need to provide vehicle-specific information, such as VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), taxable gross weight, the date of Form 2290 tax payment, logging usage, First Used Month (FUM), and dates for events like sale, destruction, or theft. Ensure these details align with your Form 2290 to avoid discrepancies in verification.

  6. Missing Proof Documents
    For some refund categories, such as a stolen vehicle, supporting documentation is required. Missing or incomplete documentation can delay your refund, as these proofs are essential for the IRS to validate your claim. Prepare all necessary documents in advance for quicker processing.

Providing accurate and valid information is essential for any filing, whether done manually or online, to ensure a smooth and efficient experience without unnecessary delays. 

For a step-by-step guide on filing your vehicle's refund claim, be sure to read our blog on Form 2290 refund. This resource will walk you through the process, offering tips and insights to help you complete your filing correctly and without hassle.


After reading the blog, you’ll better understand the importance of avoiding common mistakes when filing Form 8849, helping you secure your credit claim or refund for your vehicle promptly and without issues